Sunday, January 18, 2015

Jace is 8 months!!

     Jace is 8 months. I can't believe how the time has flown. Our little bundle of joy is rapidly growing into a cute, chunky little man. Jace got his first tooth on the 3rd of January. It wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. But when his second tooth came in on the 18th, boy, that whole previous week was awful. Silly Jace's teeth decided to grow in funky. He got his bottom right tooth first, then his top right tooth second. I think he is working on the bottom left, but its not through yet so I can't be too sure. To make things worse, he caught a cold, so he is congested and teething, which makes for a sad, snuggly, cranky baby.
      He is eating more and more solid type foods which is good. But since he has been sick, he has an aversion to others that he used to like. I can't decide if its because his nose is so stuffy that he can't taste it, or if its just his changing pallet. Jace loves to zoom all over the floor. He is seriously a fast crawler. He can weave in and out of tight spaces too with minimal head bonking. He is getting more and more daring about pulling himself up onto things. He does like to practice walking while he is holding onto the couch. And boy oh boy does he love to climb the stairs. Because we live in a basement apartment, I have had him practice the stairs all the time, so that I know that he can climb them. Thankfully though, he hasn't attempted to climb the stairs without me looking. He will crawl over to them, and just look at me, waiting to follow him over there. Or if I run upstairs to start laundry or something, he has been really good about just waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I don't know how long this good behavior will last, but I am grateful that he hasn't had any tumbles down the stairs from trying to climb them himself.
      Jace still loves to give high-fives. He is more and more consistent with it these days. He is still pretty good at clapping also. We have been trying to teach him how to waive. He can kind of do it. It I don't think it means bye. I think it means more of, come here, I want you. But I am not sure. He makes the sign language sign for milk, which I have been teaching him. But I don't think it means milk. I could be wrong, but oh well. We will figure it out with time.
     He loves to talk. No real words yet just gibberish and lots of mumbling. But its just too cute. If I talk to him, he almost always talks back to me. He loves to mimic people too. If Nana coughs, Jace fake coughs. If some one sneezes, Jace fake coughs. It just makes me giggle. But I love that his mind is continually developing.
     Jace still loves to take baths. He is a big fan of splashing water EVERYWHERE. He loves his bath toys too. And lately has started crawling all over in the tub water. Silly kid. This month we haven't had any poop in the tub accidents. YAY!  And we haven't had any blowouts either.
     Jace loves to move all over the place and its hard to get him to sit still long enough to get a good picture. If I hold him he does ok. But getting him to sit still all by himself these days is impossible.
    He still doesn't sleep through the night, though we have been working on cutting out night feedings. He will wake up at the 4 hour mark, and usually within 5 minutes he has put himself back to sleep. The time has gotten shorter, and Paul and I don't always have to get up and comfort him, so that has been great. I keep holding my breath that one of these days it will just click, and my baby will sleep through the night. But I will just keep waiting because we aren't there yet.
     Jace loves to play with his friends Lainey and Lyla. I have been working out with my neighbor friend almost every day, and it has been fun to watch how the kids interact with each other. Sometimes Jace and Lyla push each other, and try to steal toys from one another. And sometimes they crawl side by side under the table and climb up the chairs together. It really is just too cute.
     Anyway. Thats the latest update on Jace. :)

Jace just looks so serious in the car. He loves being in is newer carseat because he can actually see out the windows. I used to have to sit in the back with him every time Paul drove us somewhere, but now that he has switched car seats, I rarely have to sit in the back with him. It's so fun to watch him. He watches everything out his side window or the back window.  

Jace and Lyla LOVE to play together. They are just so fun to watch together. In church they usually entertain each other quite well. We have had lots of comments from others telling us just how cute our kids are. 

When we play dominos or any game for that matter, Jace has to play with us. So as you can see, he is eating a delicious domino. 

Here we are practicing our selfies. Jace usually never smiles any more when I take pictures of him. But somehow we managed to get one here. 

"Here Mom, have some watermelon!"

Yay! Snow day! We love playing especially in the snow. 

The first snowman Jace has ever built, or really, watched me build. Haha

Jace just lovin the snow. 

Jace has started to really enjoy books more. Which makes me so so happy! I have his little board book drawer out so he can get into his books any time he wants. He is actually using his books more than he is using his toys! 

This is one of the best pictures we got of Jace for his 8 month pictures.

Cute little Jace is only happy when he is doing his own thing. 

Yep, happy when I am not forcing him to pose for pictures. 

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