Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents Day with the Blatters

This year for Presidents' Day I some how convinced the Blatter clan to come down to good ole Cedar City and visit. Tyson and Yulia, (Tyson's wife),  even came down to visit us. They got to our place late Saturday night. Thankfully my parents got themselves a hotel for the night because having them stay, plus the two kids, and the married couple, on top of Paul and I would have been one crowded apartment!

Sunday we all just took it easy. We went to church, and the basically celebrated my dad's birthday. My mom and I cooked some awesome Indian cuisine for dinner. We made balti beef and chicken tiki masala with naan. Holy cow was that food good. Baked a couple of pumpkin pies for the celebration, and then decided that we were going to experiment with what we had and make some ice cream. The ice cream turned out great. It literally tasted like the vanilla frostys you get at Wendy's. Boohya for raw whole milk and actually having some on hand!

Monday we planned to go skiing and snow boarding as a family. My school was given a stack of passes to Eagle Point resort in Beaver, and I was lucky enough to receive a few of those passes. We got to the resort and got ski rentals and passes all sorted out. My little sister Kessla had never been skiing before so I was given the responsibility to teach her how to ski. My mom had only been once before so dad got to take her under his wing. Tyson and Yulia did their own the most if the time. Paul and Tallus pretty much did their own thing as well.

Taking Kess down the first run was a nightmare! I had never taught real skiing lessons before, just the wee ski kids, (who are like two years old) . We had trouble getting down the first time it literally took us 45 minutes to make our way down the bunny hill. Kess was getting frustrated. I was getting impatient. It was not a joyful experience for either of us. Thankfully a saintly ski instructor saw us struggling and offered some advice. She also gave us the little clip thing you put on the tips of skis to keep them in pizza. From that point on we did so good. Somehow I magically had more patience with my little sister, and suddenly she was confident and able to ski all the way down without falling.

We went down the bunny hill about three more times before it was time for lunch. We actually had a lot of fun. Kess would practice her turns and follow me from side to side down the hill. She even smiled on a couple of the runs. Looking back on it, I am so grateful I got "stuck" helping my little sister. We aren't as close as I am with Kalena, so it was so cool to get to know Kess a little better and build a better relationship with her. I am excited that she had fun skiing. Now we have something in common that we can do together.

After our three other runs, we met up with the family for lunch. Mom had taken a wrong turn somewhere sending her skiing down expert runs. She said she was done for the day because her experience hadn't been all too pleasant. After lunch Tyson and Yulia went off on their own to ski the bunny hill some more. Surprisingly, Kess went by herself on a couple of runs. Dad, Tallus, Paul, and I had lunch then ventured off of the bunny hill to hills that were a little more challenging. We hit up the terrain park where Paul hit his first jump on a snowboard, and landed it! We did some expert runs on the other side of the resort, wore ourselves out and called it a day.

My family had to drive back up to Salt Lake so we said our goodbyes and sent them on their way. Paul and I just had to drive back to Cedar, which was nice that it was such a short drive. Usually when we do stuff with my family, we are the ones that end up driving the furthest, so it was nice to have the shorter commute for once!

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