Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4th 2015

        This year our July fourth was kind of crazy! We searched and searched online to find a parade in the morning that we could take Jace to. We had several options and decided to go with one that was in South Jordan, because we would be in South Jordan later that day for a family party. We got up, threw everything together, ran out the door, got to South Jordan where the parade was supposed to have started, and there was nothing there! It was empty. No cars, no floats, no people. Nothing! We were a little disappointed, and very confused. As it turns out, there was not a parade in South Jordan. Sad day for us!
     Since we were already in South Jordan, Paul did not want to drive all the way back home, so  even though it was 4 hours earlier than we planned to go to Paul's Aunt and Uncles house, we came over anyway. Thankfully they were okay that we came so stinking early. We helped set up and stuff and it wasn't a bad ordeal. Family came later, around 11 and we had lunch, and a pool party. We took Jace swimming, and he had a blast. When he was done in the pool, we just let him walk around the outside of the pool and play with his cousins, and all the toys that were there. While Jace played, the adults played an awesome game of water volleyball.
      By game 3 Jace was exhausted, tired, and crying like he was hurting. I took him inside to change his stinky bum, and we found out that his little swim diaper had chaffed his poor thighs to the point of bleeding. I felt so bad that I hadn't checked on him or done anything about it sooner. The poor kid was hurting so bad. We got him all changed, cleaned, and dried and put him down for a nap. After that I had to clean the poop up that he had gotten everywhere as I tried to change him. It was not a pretty picture! But thankfully I was smart enough to lay his big towel down and change him on there, or the damages could have been much much worse!
       Around 4 we left Aunt Jan's and went to my parents house. We planned to have a major mega water fight! Sure sounded like fun! We had yummy dinner first, steak and ribs! YUM! After dinner we all went out side to see what kind of fight we should prepare to have. We had the slip n slide put up, the really long dangerous one that we made out of an old pool liner, and 2 totes full of water balloons, and a pool, and lots of water guns! It was great! The only down side was that by this time a storm was rolling in so it was a little chilly, and kind of cold! But we had a great water fight, and everyone got soaked. Even the babies had fun playing in the pool!
       We didn't do any fancy fireworks. We just pulled up the fireworks app on the ipad and let the babies do the fireworks for us this year. After fireworks we watched a movie and came home.
      Paul and I bought the giant sparklers to do with Jace because I wanted him to experience something, so we had him do sparklers. It was cute to see his reaction. He was enthralled, but also kind of scared I think. Anywho, we had a blast. Hopefully life calms down a bit.

Having so much fun floating in the water!

Jace likes to pretend he doesn't like being in the water, but he really does!

Our family picture for the day!

After a long day in the sun, this poor little guy is tuckered out

Watching daddy light his sparkler

Daddy helping Jace hold his sparkler

Just chillin with the fireworks

Mesmerized by the fun sparklers

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