Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Wedding and a Hike!!

     I have become quite lax in how often I update the blog because Jace is now over a year, so I don't feel as obligated to do monthly updates. We have had a few small fun adventures I want to post about, but not big enough that I want to give them their own post. So here are a few of the goings on in the Burnett family since the beginning of June.

A Wedding
    June 4th my bestest friend ever Lisa Walters got married! We haven't been friends since childhood or anything, but we have basically been best friends since our first year of college in 2008. We shared an apartment and we both thought that the other person didn't really like each other. Then slowly we started to realize that we had lots in common, enjoy each others company, and then became great friends! The point is, Lisa has been around for a while and has ALWAYS been there for me. Even when we haven't lived close to each other, we have stayed good friends. Finally, found her true love and I got to share her special day with her!
      For some crazy reason Lisa decided to get married in the Manti Utah Temple. Sure, thats fine, but Paul couldn't come because of work, and I had a cute baby Jace boy to take with me. Thankfully Jace slept basically the entire drive out there. Which was great, because it was about 2 hours! I met up with Matt's family (Matt is Lisa's fiance`), because they were going to be watching Jace while I was in the temple. I was a little hesitant to leave him because he has been really clingy lately, but he did a great job and didn't even cry when I left! The ceremony was so great! Everyone was so happy, and you could see the love that Lisa and Matt had and it just made my heart so happy! After the ceremony, they had pictures taken. After pictures we had a little wedding dinner celebration type thing with all of the family and friends that came to the wedding. Then we sent the two crazy love birds off on their baby honeymoon.
    Friday the 5th Matt and Lisa had their reception in New Harmony. Paul took work off and we drove down together. We got to stay with our wonderful friends the Hanson's, which was fun because we definitely miss them! The reception was cute and quaint. They had a ring ceremony for Matt's family because they could not go into the temple. I have never been to a non LDS wedding before, and having a ring ceremony like Lisa did was so different, but it was so fun, and spunky and personal that I just loved it. Some how I lucked out and got to be a bridesmaid, which was fun, but I had no idea what I was doing! Matt's sister had to push me around and tell me where to go and what to do. I am glad she knew what she was doing or I would have looked even sillier than I did. So seriously, right before we were about to start the ring ceremony it started pouring! I forgot to mention that they were having an outside ceremony and reception. So seriously, pouring! And hailing, and pouring some more! Thankfully we were at a park by the fire station so we could take cover in the station. We probably waited a good 30 minutes for everything to clear up  before we could start. We had to dry things off, and pull everything back out that we drug inside so it wouldn't' get wet. But eventually we had a ceremony and a reception. And it was a hoot! We again, got to send Lisa and Matt off on their honeymoon, but this was their real one not just a little over nighter.
       By this time its bed time, so we went back to our friends house and went to sleep. Jace must not have been feeling well because he seriously screamed for at least an hour. We tried to hold him, rock him, and even have him sleep in bed with us, but he just cried and cried and cried. I don't know what happened, but he finally fell asleep around 1 or 2 or so? Morning came fast but we had enough sleep to survive. We went and played frisbee with our old frisbee friends, (which was great)!! And we also stopped and visited our good friends the Olenslagers. After showering, eating lunch, and talking with the Hanson's a little more, packed, stopped at the Tikki Shak, and then hit the road. Jace slept most of the way which was good. But when we hit Nephi and I had to pee he woke up when the car stopped. Once we got going he screamed for 20 minutes before I figured out how to trick him with candy. Eventually we got home (thankfully), so the babes could get out and stretch his legs. We had so much fun visiting with Lisa and Matt and celebrating their wedding! But it was definitely nice to have Jace home and in his own bed!

Just sitting outside waiting for Lisa and Matt to come out from the temple

Yay!!! They are married! 

Lisa's cute little niece just loved to be in all of the pictures. She just wanted to be by the princess the whole time!! 

Look how cute we are!! I just can't believe Lisa face is married now!! 

A Hike!!!
     Every year my family does a backpacking trip that is anywhere from 30-60 miles. This year we are going on a trip to on of my favorite hikes. I have done it before, but Paul hasn't so it will be so great to take him. Our trip to Needle Falls will be 60 miles long! Eeek! In preparation for this hike we try to get out and do some mini hikes. Try being the key work here... JK
     Anyway, my aunt that usually comes packing with us was visiting from Montana, so my family decided to go on a practice hike. Since Paul has a grown up boy job he couldn't come, but Jace and I tagged along. We also took one of our neighbor boys, that I tend every so often. When we first set off I was a little nervous because the forecast was like 90*! But the higher up the canyon we got the cooler it got. We also had lots of cloud coverage... to the point that I was actually worried about rain! But nevertheless we set out on our hike. Thank goodness for Papas! My dad carried Jace the whole hike! Well except for when we stopped for lunch and such. I am sure I could have carried Jace just fine, but the pack that we have isn't made for as small of a frame as my body is, so I carry way too much weight on my shoulders rather than on my hips. So I was so grateful Dad carried him so that my back wasn't dying by the end of the hike!
     The trail wasn't too bad. Not too steep, and it was mostly in the shade. But as we got higher, it started to get colder, and more and more cloudy! When we stopped for lunch it started sprinkling on us. We just figured that it was going to be light, and it would blow over soon so we finished our lunch, and continued to hike. As we got higher and higher we started to see patches of snow. Patches are ok, because they are just little and not difficult to maneuver, but as we continued the patches turned into sheets of snow that spread across the trail and up the side of the mountain. They also got deeper and deeper to where there were spots that I could sink up to my thigh! At this point my mom and little sister Kessla had decided They were pretty much done. They didn't want to risk falling and slipping to finish the hike. Dad and Aunt Leanna want to keep going just a little bit further. Roy didn't care what we did, but I wanted to keep an eye on Jace so the both of us went with my dad. 10 or so minutes later Jace is crying because he is cold, (and me being the bad mom I am forgot a coat for him. Well not forgot exactly. I thought it was going to be 90* so I didn't pack it!), Roy has tripped in the snow and is hobbling, and we still haven't gotten to the top of the hike yet. We definitely decided to turn around. I took Jace out of the pack and carried him in my arms for a little bit to try and warm him up while we hiked back down. If it wasn't so steep, with snow and ice I could have carried him longer, but I kept having visions of slipping with this child in my arms, so we decided to put him back in the pack. Thankfully my dad was smart and brought a jacket. So we wrapped Jace up, gave him some fruit leather to gnaw on, and continued down the trail. Because Roy had tripped in the snow, he was moving much slower than the rest of us, so I sent Dad and Auntie ahead of us with Jace while I stayed behind with Roy.
     I can't even remember how much time passed by before we got back to the cars. But we made it. Jace had finally fallen asleep in the carrier, and looked like he was folded in half! I wish I had gotten a picture of it! He looked so peaceful, but so uncomfortable! After we all chatted for a few minutes we loaded up into the cars and headed our separate ways. The only thing that stinks about today was not finishing the hike. Most of the time you are hiking to go and see something awesome, like a waterfall or land formation. We didn't really get to see either. The scenery was nice, and the clean air was great, but it just isn't the same as actually finishing the hike. But when you have kids, you do what you gotta do!

Just stopping for some yummy lunch! Jace definitely needed the rest.

My mommy is just so happy to be here!!! :)

She just had too much fun taking selfies with my phone!

All of us are just taking a rest. I can't believe Jace is actually looking at the camera and maybe even almost smiling. 

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