Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

     This year was the first year since Paul and I have been married that we have been up in the Salt Lake Valley for Memorial day. It was very different, but also really fun to get to spend this holiday with family rather than friends, or just ourselves. My family usually doesn't do a whole lot because most of our deceased relatives are buried in other states. They just have a BBQ and hang out for the most part. Paul's family does have relatives buried somewhat close, and they make a day out of it. This year we spent memorial day with the Burnett family, and it went a little like this:

     We drove out to Ogden in the morning to visit some grave stones. We stopped at one cemetery, paid our respects, then went to another one. Usually great aunts and uncles, cousins and other relatives come meet up at the cemetery, they visit, then have a picnic lunch at a specific park. But this year it was threatening rain, and the park that they normally used to go to was no longer a park, but an elementary school in the process of being built. Paul was slightly bummed that he wasn't going to get to play tennis. So instead of having lunch with all of my father-in-law's extended family, we all went out to a place that sounded good, got our food to go, and met at Zaxby's to eat our food.
     After we ate, the weather cleared up enough to almost be enjoyable. While our food was digesting, we found another little park, and played for a little while. Sage and Milo played on the playground with lots of other kids. Paul, Jonathan, Eric, and I tossed a frisbee around for a little bit. It was somewhat challenging with Jace, but good practice. When frisbee got old, we pulled out the bocce ball. We played a quick round of it, then headed over to the original Farr's Ice Cream shop. It was crazy as I will get out! We waited our turn, got our ice cream, and ate it out side in the heat of the sun. By that time everyone was tired and ready to be home, except, none of us were really going home, most of us were headed to a family party.

Photo credit on the pictures below goes to the amazing Jessica Burnett. I have a feeling her awesome work will be featured on the blog quite a bit in the future. She is just so great at taking pictures, and I just always forget. Thanks Jess for sharing your pictures!! 
Here we are at the cemetery. Jace is just chillin with his daddy while we figure out what we are going to do for lunch. 

This is how you play frisbee when you have a baby. Its quite a challenge, but you get really good at catching and throwing with only one hand! I tried so hard to put Jace down so I could really get into it, but he was too distraught to let me play. 

Julie, Amanda and Little Miss Ember enjoying the sun

Here we are just waiting the the boys to finish with the frisbee so we can play bocce ball together

Ember rather enjoyed playing with the little bocce ball. She is such a good baby most of the time! Jace needs to take some lessons on how to chill from her!

Aunt Shawnee sitting with Ember, while Em shows her how to use a frisbee ;)

You can't really tell, but we are all intently playing a game of bocce ball in this picture. But aside from that, the scenery is beautiful! 

    I am grateful I have such a great husband, when I am exhausted and can't even keep my eyes open in the car, he is just so awesome at driving!! Yeah so basically Jace and I both slept from Ogden all the way until we got to our destination in South Jordan. It was nice, and just want both of us needed I am pretty sure.
     When we got to Aunt Jan's they were all ready to eat. We, however, weren't. We had a late lunch and stuffed our faces with ice cream, so food was the last thing on my mind! But while they all ate their yummy burgers I chatted and caught up with all the fam. The weather was so good to us today. It was predicted to be rainy basically the whole day, but we had a window of amazingness where it was sunny and warm enough to enjoy the pool! Jace had been going through a bout of diarrhea, and today was the first day he wasn't leaking, so we were excited to see his reaction to swimming. He enjoyed it when he was little, but he is a bit bigger now and hasn't been in a pool since he was 4 or 6 months old. I am happy to report though, that Jace rather enjoyed himself. He was a little hesitant at first, but he liked the floaty we put him in and eventually trusted us that he was going to be okay. We floated around in the pool for a good 30 minutes dodging Paul and the little cousins cannon balls and belly flops. Then Jace was starting to get a little anxious. So I took him over to the hot tub, which is usually only heated to be a warm tub for the littlies. We played in the warm tub with the little little kids and all the fun toys until we were both getting too hot to play in there any more. When we got out of the pool, Jace headed right to one of those Little Tykes Coupe cars that you can move with your feet. He climbed himself inside and was happy as a clam with the steering wheel in his hands. I think, if he wasn't wet, he could have played in that car for ever. I just pushed him around the yard, (because his cute little legs didn't quite reach the ground).
     After all of our fun adventures outside, I decided I was finally hungry. I had myself some dinner, and waited for the rest of the "pooligans" to finish swimming so we could play some other games. We all visited for a bit, then got a huge game of bocce ball going. It was really cool to see people playing that don't normally play games with us. When we had finished two rounds, the older peeps were getting ready for their beds, so they all headed out. Us younger folk stuck around and played a few games before heading home.
    Our day was packed, from beginning to end, but it was really fun to be the fun kind of busy rather than the stressful kind of busy.

Photo Cred for these awesome party pictures goes to the amazing Nicole Valdivia! She is so great to share her works of art with me so I can have memories when I am silly and don't bring a camera! Thanks Nicole! You Rock!!!

Jan's hot tub is usually only heated to a warm tub so the babies can have a shallow place to play. It is real nice to sit in a hot-but-not-so-hot tub and play with the little kiddos. Jace loved it!! He played in the big pool in his floaty for quite some time, but when he started to get a little cold we switched to the warmer pool. 

All the cousins hanging out together. Milo, Sage, Jace, and little Joshua

Paul and Aspen playing in the big pool. They think they are so cool. (but really the cool pool is the little kid pool for sure!!)

All the kids in the hot tub and Jonathan chillin too

Jace's obsession with cars continues. He just HAD to sit in this car. He loved it. The steering wheel was his favorite part. So I got to push him around in it, (because his feet don't quite touch the ground), for a long time. He was wet from the pool and didn't even seem cold at all!

Still driving his fun car

Ahh look at those teeth! 6 for sures with 2 molars coming in!

Paul teaching Sage how to swim

Jonathan and cute little Avery in the cool kids pool

Love this picture of Joshua! Nicole took a sweet picture! No photoshop or anything!!

Aspen showing off her diving skills

Jace just being oh so cute in his car

Lily is visiting from Arizona, and even though it was high 70's outside, it was too cold for her to swim. She just kept saying "too cold" 

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