Friday, February 20, 2015

9 months already?!?

     It is so crazy to believe that Jace is already 9 months old. He has pretty much been alive as long as it took me to cook him up inside of me! Thats a little weird to think about! This kid, is seriously just growing up way way way to fast!
     This child of mine now has 5 teeth! Yes 5! The poor dear cut 3 all at once! He now has is two bottom ones, and three on top, with the fourth top front tooth well on its way to cutting through pretty soon! On top of all the pain from teething, this little man also had a cold, and an ear infection at the same time! He is on the mend though and has TONS of energy again, so thats a good sign. While I love me some snuggles, I am more than grateful that he is sleeping better at night again.
     He is almost finally to the point of sleeping through the night. Lately, on average Jace has been getting between 7 and 9 hours straight sleep. Its a huge blessing for me! But silly Jace still has a crazy internal clock because he just cannot sleep in past 8. Thats on a good day mind you. Most days he gets up at 7 ready to rock and roll. I am hoping with time he might get used to sleeping a little bit more, but if not, I will definitely make sure that when he is a teenager he knows just how much he loves to wake up at 7 every day of the week!
     I have been working on sign language with Jace for about three months now. He understood it before, but just recently he has been attempting some signs of his own. He is not very consistent yet, but it has been so nice to be able to communicate with him. He can sign more, which is great because I basically know when he is hungry or if he needs me to give him more food to eat. And he can sign milk, which is also nice. I think he has been trying to sign all done, but deciphering his rendition of all done has been interesting. Jace can also wave goodbye, (for the most part). He is starting to understand no. He gets it for the most part, unless he really really doesn't want to stop what he is doing. If thats the case, he gives me the, "I know I am getting into trouble, and I am too cute for you to stop me" look. Little stinker! He has also started handing me things. Especially if it is something he has picked up off the floor that he knows I don't want him to eat. 
     He is crawling even faster than before. I thought he was fast last month, but holy cow is he a whole lot faster than he was before. Paul and I joke that he might not walk because he likes to crawl so much and he is so stinking good at it. Lately he has made more of an effort to pull himself up onto furniture and walk along it. He has also started walking while pushing the laundry basket. No attempts yet to stand up without support, but there have been little signs here and there that make me think he might be getting ready to try it soon. Stairs are still a favorite for Jace. He can cruise right up, but still has no desire to learn to come down them correctly. When we are over at our neighbor friends house, he comes down her stairs face first. Granted it is only like one and a half stairs and they are wide. But when it comes to the big stairs, he most definitely would rather go up than come back down. 
     Jace is talking like crazy! Not that I can understand any of it. But he is always just jabbering away at something or another. Even with a bink in his mouth, he still manages to voice his opinion. If I talk to him, he will usually talk right back. 
     Because the weather has been so nice lately, I have taken Jace to the park a few times. He loves the swings! We don't get to swing a whole lot because the parks with swings near us are at an elementary school so we have to go after school is out. He hasn't decided how he feels about the slide yet. I think it makes him a little uneasy for now, but I bet in the future he won't mind the slides so much. 
   Jace loves to eat practically anything. Literally. I caught him eating a check that I hadn't cashed the other day. I had to ask my neighbor to write me a new one because Jace just happened to eat the part with the routing number. Lately we have discovered that he loves to eat beets and grapes. Jace and I were out to lunch the other day with a few of his cousins, my in laws, and a few brothers and sisters in law. We all decided that we are pretty sure Jace at more than is 2 year old cousin, and came pretty close if not beating his 4 year old cousin at how much they ate. The problem with his cousins is that they are just a little bit picky when it comes to eating. And Jace, like I said, will eat anything! I really hope it lasts. I don't want him to be such a picky eater that he will only eat one or two meals. I think it has really helped though too that Paul and I put lots of spices in our food, and that we don't eat a lot of processed foods, so he hasn't had any of most little kids go to foods. I do have to say that I have loved baby led weaning. Jace is to the point where he is chewing up his food pretty well. He rarely gags on anything anymore. And it is so nice not to have a billion little baby food snacks packed for him. As long as it is relatively soft I can just feed him whatever I am eating. Paul and I had enchiladas for dinner last night, and Jace had it right along with us. I even tricked him into eating more carrots by covering them in enchilada sauce! I was hesitant that he couldn't like Caesar Salad, (mostly for the dressing), but he sure did. Loved the tomatoes and chicken that we fed him, and even asked for more. Now I just need to get to the point where I am letting him try things that I don't like. Its hard because we don't eat them much here, but I don't want to be one of those parents that never lets their kids eat anything they don't like. I mean who knows, Jace could just love lima beans and cooked peas. 
     Well, thats all that I can think that is new so far with little Jace man. He develops and grows so much every day. It is so crazy to me to see how fast he is developing. I feel very blessed to have him as my son. 

Jace has an obsession with that little crab. Every time he has a bath that crab is in his mouth. No joke!

The onions in my house are on a bottom shelf. And our pantry is actually a book shelf so it doesn't have doors to close. One of Jace's favorite toys is to pull out the onions and eat them. It just makes me laugh that he tries to eat the tops of them. We live for cheap entertainment at this house!

Just a cute pictures of Jace chillin with me on the floor. 

Jace and Lyla are riding an elephant together at Lyla's house. 

Paul's Aunt Susan, our land lady, told us that we could paint his room how ever we like. For me this was a dream come true. I really wanted Jace to have a nursery but because we have been in an apartment or renting I didn't think I would get to give him one. This is his room before.

This is after we painted. We still aren't quite finished. I need to paint just a little strip, and get the curtains up and a few more things, but I have loved how well everything came together!

I have been running on the elliptical every so often. The first time I tried to, I thought Jace would just play nicely on the floor with his toys. Oh boy that was not the case. He kept trying to climb up with me. I was worried that his little fingers were going to get squished or something. So I brainstormed a bit and got our hiking backpack Paul's parents got us for Christmas. He loves to just ride in the pack every time I use the machine. And its so great for me, because not only do I get some extra weight and more of a challenge for my workout, but Jace falls asleep around 15 minutes in! And the transfer from pack to his bed isn't too bad. 

Because the weather was so nice we went out to play. In our front yard there is a tree with a perfect perch. I put Jace up there just to see what he would do. As you can tell he is a little hesitant here. 

By this point though he was playing and more interested in the bark of the tree than in me taking pictures. 

9 month pictures here we go! The sticker lasted only about 30 seconds. As you can see in the pictures below. 

But instead of trying to eat it, he tried to hand it to me because he knew I didn't want him to eat the sticker!

Best place to put his stickers is on his head. Jace is actually pretty good about not pulling off hats or hoods, and stickers we found out. I was able to snap quite a few more pictures with his sticker on his forehead. Silly little boy didn't hardly notice. 

I might be crazy, but I seriously can't get over how cute his little bum is!

Jace LOVES to help with the dishes. Anytime Paul or I work on the dishes, Jace is always there to help us. 

This is the after picture of Jace. He made Valentines for Mimi and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, and Nana. Don't ask me how he managed to get paint in his eye when only his hands and feet touched the paint. But somehow he did. 

Jace showing off his new $2 PJs. He loves to climb around on the couch. Especially if I am trying to lay on it. 

At his checkup they had to draw blood. They missed the first vein and had to poke him again in the second arm. :( But luckily he was happy even having two pokes!

Loving him some enchiladas! 

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