Thursday, February 20, 2014

And We Made it to the Third Trimester!

     It has been a little over a month, and my slacker self has not found the time to sit down and write anything up. There have been tons of changes happening and hopefully I can remember enough of them to make this post worth while.
     Paul started working at Tanner a little over a month ago. Its been hard. Not like crazy super ridiculous, I could never live on my own hard, just lonely and empty. But I do love that I get to face time him every night. That helps make things a little easier. We hold conversations with each other better than we did before. I love that I have the whole bed to myself so I can sprawl out and twist and turn any way that is comfortable to me. I also love having some free time in the evenings to work on projects. But I terribly miss the company. I miss having a husband, and having someone just to fill space in my house so its not so empty. I am super grateful Paul has a good job, and that he is paving the way for our future family, but it is definitely a challenge to not have him around all the time. I truly do cherish every minute I spend with him when he comes down to visit. 
     The voyage with the baby has been quite interesting. I started getting charley horses in the middle of the night a few weeks ago. Thankfully my amazing mom came up with a great remedy and I haven't had any since. Well, as long as I remember to put on my magnesium spray I haven't had any problems! I am super grateful too because waking up clutching your leg in the middle of the night isn't pleasant. And the few times Paul has been there to witness my charley horses he has kind of flipped out and not known what to do to help. What a stud though. 
     Pushups are getting a little trickier to do. I can still to them. I am actually really impressed that with the weight gain of pregnancy I have been able to keep my muscle tone up and still do at least 10 pushups. I can't go down all the way anymore though because my belly hits the ground these days. I am going to have to start modifying my pushups to wall pushups or something so I still stay in shape for the last few months. Running is becoming more of a challenge as well. I still enjoy it, but my lower back doesn't enjoy the heavy front load of weight that I make it carry when I run. If I do run I usually have to take at least 3 days off to recover from it before I feel like I can do it again. But I am still feeling somewhat fit and healthy even at 29.5 weeks. So thats good news! 
     Last post I complained a lot about the baby wiggling and moving and being annoying. I still have times when it does get a little annoying, but I have had a change of attitude and am actually very excited and grateful when I feel him move. Last night was seriously the first night I think I could tell he had the hiccups. My friends and family have been saying just you wait till the hiccups come. And until last night I really truly didn't think I had ever felt them. Well now I have. Paul was in the middle of praying with me and I just totally started giggling. Inappropriate I know, but it was just so funny to feel the perfectly timed little jolts baby was sending pretty much to my bladder. 
     The past week and a half baby has been moving like CRAZY. All the time. I don't know if its what I am eating, or if he is just growing a ton and feels the need to stretch all the time. No idea. I have tried to find a pattern in his behavior, but there really isn't one. He doesn't wiggle lots when I have music on, or when I scrunch up my tummy, or when I play the piano, or take a shower. Its all just sort of random. Some days its just while I sit and think, or lay on my side. Other days it is when I am taking a shower, and others when I am eating or practicing piano. I guess I have been super stressed out at work the past few weeks and maybe he wiggles so much to tell me to knock it off or something. I dunno though. I think he is just going to be a lot like his mom and constantly want to do his own thing all the time. HaHa guess we will find out in a few months. 
     Paul's parents threw a baby shower for me a few weeks ago. Yes it seems a little early to be having a baby shower, but I am only going to be in Salt Lake a few more times before the baby comes, so we had to do it early. I am truly grateful for the love and the support that everyone showed us. Paul and I feel like we could actually have a baby and be somewhat ready for it now. We have a car seat and a stroller and clothes and diapers and we are set! Okay not really, but I feel like we really could have a baby and everything would work out. 
     I wore a pair of pre pregnancy pants the other day with a belly band and I vowed that I just couldn't do that any more, and I needed to actually wear maternity clothes all the time. But I comfortably fit into a pair of pre-pregnancy pants today, (with a belly band of course), and maybe I can still get away with wearing them occasionally. We will see. 
      I have also started working on the last few of my cloth diapers. Now that I know its a boy I get to make some cute boy ones. Paul still thinks I am crazy for want to try the whole cloth diaper thing, but I think it will be a great way to save money. I bet, being the accountant that he is, will really realize how grateful he is for a wife who wants to save him a couple grand a year in not having to buy diapers all the time. The ones I am working on are really cute. I can't wait to finish them. I have just been way busy at work and with young womens and I haven't have any time to work on them. Good thing I still have a few months before I really need to start worrying. 
    We also decided to buy a new car. Yeah, crazy. Completely a spur of the moment decision. Someone in Cedar posted on the blog shop that they were selling their car. I looked at it, felt prompted to show Paul, he decided that he felt good about it, 3 hours later I went over to talk to them and test drive it, and we just felt good about the decision. Now paperwork is being done and we are figuring everything out so we can buy it from them. But we have to sell the truck now too. That is going to be sad for me. My truck was my very first car, I love her, but it is time to sell her. I almost can't fit behind the wheel with my growing belly, so it is for the best. Guess we will see what the future holds.
     I really need to be better about blogging more frequently. It has just been really chaotic lately. And honestly, everything else going on has been more important than blogging. I wouldn't have such massive rambly long posts if I could get around to it more often. I say this every post, but I really will try to get better at finding time!

This picture is 28 weeks. Feeling pretty good. Craving all things healthy like steamed carrots and broccoli. Hardest part of this month is that fact that I can't reach my toes very easily. Putting on pants is getting to be a challenge as well! Best part of this month, is that Paul can distinctly feel baby now. He could before but it was barely anything. Paul can really tell when he is kicking now. So that is great!

I was late getting the post up, so this is week 30. Not the best picture ever. I look like a goon, but I feel like a doubled my belly size in two weeks! I think maybe baby finally flipped? Who knows. We will find out at our next appointment.  Really starting to feel pregnant! Starting to waddle to! AHH!

1 comment:

  1. Looking good Kylee! Good luck in the next few weeks. It won't be long now :) Have you chosen a name yet? That was the hardest part for us!
