Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 24

     I have been incredibly awful at writing down my thoughts and feelings through the pregnancy. Every one I talk with always says, make sure you take notes and write in a journal every little detail about what you think and feel and say and do. Well, I didn't really want my journal to be filled with the same boring things every day, so I guess its kind of ok that I have been a slacker at blogging. Little baby Burnett is doing great, as far as I know.
     We went back and had a second ultrasound just to double check the gender. For sure its a boy! We are completely stoked now, but we have absolutely no idea what we want to name him. We have a few names we like, but we don't really LOVE any names yet. Good thing we still have three + months to figure it all out.
      This past week Paul has been in Salt Lake working. It is our first week apart and I am hanging in there. I had my first little emotional attack the other day. Thankfully/sadly I had a horrible nightmare that woke me up at 3:30, so I could call Paul and apologize to him for being so emotional and mean to him. I am so grateful that he puts up with me and loves me so much. Poor Paul hasn't been able to feel baby kick yet. I think if he put his hand on my belly now, sadly he didn't get to feel baby before he moved up North.
       I suppose I should write a few of the things I have been thinking and feeling. Well first of all, everyone asks me, "Oh do you like being pregnant?" "Isn't it just so much fun?" UM NO! I am so selfish I suppose, but being pregnant really isn't all that people crack it up to be. Yes, its exciting, yes I can't wait to be a mother, but all these changes are just trying to kill me! People tell me I look like I am glowing, and all I can think of when they say that is, "Well duh, I am having a hot flash of course I look rosy posy." The whole belly thing is getting a little frustrating too! I have a hard time doing pushups these days, I can barely clip my toenails, when I lean up against the kitchen sink I get kicked, and I can't get close enough to the truck anymore to scrape the windshield! Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to be a mom, but holy cow, no one told me it would be like this!
     I must say feeling the baby move is both exciting and weird. I feel like I have no control of my body some days. I will be teaching a lesson perfectly fine, then two minutes later I have to pee or I might die. Little boy likes to kick my bladder. Mostly when its full though. I think its his way of saying, "pee mom, you're cramping my style." Its also kind of weird teaching a reading group and your belly starts moving. Sometimes I feel like I have massive gas bubbles inside me, but I know its just the baby. Its just weird! Its a good thing I don't get motion sickness or I would be in trouble. This guy flips so much sometimes I feel like I am on a loop the loop roller coaster.
     And, last thing to vent about is the comments people say to me. Yes, most of them are kind and genuine, but I just don't know what to say anymore. I am told multiple times a day how cute I look, and my clothes are just so cute, but what do you say to that? I can only say thanks so many times... I am grateful that people are so kind and compliment me, but I don't want to sound snooty or say the same things over and over again...
    Well, pregnancy has some perks. You instantly have lots of friends. And people you didn't normally get along with, that just happen to be pregnant with you, become your support buddies. Those are some nice positives about being pregnant. :) I truly do enjoy feeling baby boy move though too. When I practice piano or sing along with music he moves around a lot. It seems weird, but its really kind of touching to be able to bond and connect with him in simple little ways. My phone app says we are supposed to talk to baby and read to him, which is a little strange, but I guess I sing and talk to my garden, so talking to a baby shouldn't be too much different.
     I have tried to take pictures as the months go by. I don't want to take one every week, or I would have a billion, so every 4ish weeks I get a picture. Here are the pictures that I have thus far in the pregnancy.

Week 20
Right before christmas. I finally had energy to do the things I wanted to do! What I craved the most during these few weeks was fresh cherries!! Oh man, but you can't buy them in December! I almost died! Hardest part of the month was needing to go pee ALL the time.

Week 24
Hardest part of this month was having my belly get in the way of me doing things. Also, Paul left me for SLC during this month as well and that was kind of hard for me. The best part of the month is feeling all the cute little wiggles happening inside. I craved Cafe Rio a lot (never got it though) and I had a phase where I craved french fries! Lucky for me, Paul spoiled me and bought me french fries three days in a row. Now that I think about fries I just want to throw up, but hey, I craved them once upon a time. We also heard baby's heart beat again, and it sounds like a normal person now! Kinda fun!


  1. I totally know how you feel about not loving being pregnant. :) Hang in there. It's always frustrating to me when people comment about how much I must be loving it or something like that because, pregnancy is stinkin HARD! It's not fun! It is so miraculous to think about how it all works and to realize that you're building a human... but it's still not all rainbows and butterflies. Haha. So no worries. It's ok to hate it. We'll love our babies when they get here even if we don't love the getting them here part, right?
    And as for people commenting on everything and not knowing what to say- I totally just feel like a broken record every day. Haha so if you come up with any good comments let me know! One of these days we'll figure out how to switch it up. :)
    Also, if you ever need some company or anything come on over! We're in 35 still and I know how frustrating it can be to be lonely and emotional and pregnant. I'm home pretty much every evening!

  2. Don't worry about feeling selfish. We all feel that way once in awhile but being a mom will definitely help you with that. There are so many changes you get to deal with as a mom. My biggest one is my ever changing body with being pregnant, breastfeeding, finally getting back down to size and then getting pregnant again. Fun stuff! Don't worry about what people say. They have no filter or personal space around pregnant women. I don't know what it is. Well good luck! You are very cute and look very happy!
