Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Pregnant?!? Again?!?

     Yup, thats right, I'm pregnant again. I was hoping to surprise Paul on Christmas morning with the good news, but I couldn't keep it a secret from him for that long. We found out about 5 days before Christmas that we were expecting. Its kind of fun, I think... I still haven't wrapped my head around it all. I am excited, but I'm also like not super excited either. I hope that As the pregnancy continues I will get a little bit more excited about things.
     It was really hard to keep it a secret from my cousins and family while we were in Montana for my Grandpa's funeral. Thankfully I wasn't sick or anything while up there with them, so it was easy to keep it a secret. I really almost spilled the beans several times when I found out that two of my other cousins were also expecting. And when my cousin that I am super close to asked me what our plans were, it was super hard to keep a straight face, but I think I managed it.
     So far the nausea hasn't been too horrible. I had a few weeks where I was nauseous all day long, but it has somewhat mellowed out now to be just in the evenings. I have had some evenings where its been pretty bad, and I have to work really hard to not throw up on the client I am tutoring, or what not. But it has slowly been subsiding and getting better. I am now to the point where I am feeling great for a couple weeks, then I will have a day or two of feeling crumby, then another few weeks of feeling great. So that makes me happy.
     I have been able to feel this cute little baby move since I was about 14 weeks. It was weird for me to feel baby so early, but like most people say, its so much easier to notice with your second than it is with your first. My cravings haven't been anything crazy, mostly pickles, cheeseburgers, fries, chocolate raisins, and fresh fruits and vegetables, oh and bacon! Lots and lots of bacon! I had an aversion to sugar for the first about 10 weeks of pregnancy which was actually kind of nice. I was doing really good at eating healthy for those few weeks.
     I have been working really hard to stay as fit as I can this pregnancy. I have been taking muscle up classes, boot camp classes, and trying to keep my cardio up as well. I feel pretty good about my training so far. My muscles are still pretty strong, and my body still feels really good. I am signed up to run a 5k in June. I will be 26 weeks, so I am hoping I can stay fit enough to feel good about it. My parents also want me to come on the family back packing trip in June when I am 28 weeks. I am hoping to go, but boy, we will see if its actually going to be doable. I am a little nervous because my belly is 3 times the size I was with Jace at this point. I am now 17 weeks and I look like I did at 24 weeks with Jace. My belly seriously popped within a matter of weeks. I took a picture on March 1st, and on March 17th, and there is total belly poppage happening within those 17 days! But I am hopeful if I keep up on my workouts and training I should be okay to do everything that I want to do.
     We find out baby's gender in a little less than two weeks. We are pretty excited to see what kind of munchkin we are going to get this time around. I originally didn't want to find out the gender, but I decided that because of our living circumstances, its much easier this go around to find out the gender. But with my third baby, its going to be a surprise for sure!
     Well thats the latest and greatest from Kylee. Stay tuned for more fun and exciting news about Baby Burnett #2
Here is our announcement. We have yet to share with anyone but family and close friends, but I think it turned out pretty cute! 

There you have the comparison of no poppage vs poppage. Thats 2 weeks ladies and gentleman! 

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