Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Adventures

       This year while all of the boys were at priesthood session of conference, all of us girls took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch. My super talented sister in law Jessica brought her camera with her and snapped some pictures of everyone. I seriously can't believe how well they turned out. The lighting was perfect. Jace had a blast doing his thing, and hanging out with his older cousins. At this particular pumpkin patch they had a slide that you had to climb up a hay pyramid to get to. Jace Loved climbing up and sliding down. They also kind of had a petting zoo with some goats and stuff you could feed.

Jace working his way up the hay to get to the slide 
At the top of the slide getting all ready to come down. 

Could that seriously not have been a better picture? Lighting is great, Jace is actually smiling, and the background is just perfect!

He actually attempted to pet the goats. 

The cute boy cousins all hanging out together. Jace really loves to play with Sage and Milo. He loves to hang out with the big kids and try to do what they are doing. 

Just a fun picture that Jess was able to snap of us. 

The lighting was getting dark around this time, but we coaxed another pumpkin patch goer to take our pictures for us. Amanda came, but she was in the car taking care of Ember. 

This was Jace's pumpkin. Of all the pumpkins in the patch, this is the one that he picked out and liked the most. 

This particular pumpkin patch had this awesome sandbox, only it wasn't filled with sand, it was filled with corn kernels! The boys had so much fun filling up the dump trucks and tractors that were in there. They also broke a lot of the rules that were posted, but we didn't see them until we were getting ready to leave. Ooops. Next year we will know better. 

This pumpkin patch also had a fun little corn maze. We saved the corn maze for last and did it on our way out. We kind of  actually got lost in this corn maze and ended up out side of it before the end. I don't really know how that happened, but I think it has something to do with Sage (4) being the maze navigator. 

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