Friday, November 14, 2014

Has it Really Been 6 Months?

       I honestly can't believe that Jace is 6 months. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was writing up the blog for him being 5 months old. Jace has grown so much this past month! He rolls all over the place without any hesitations. He can pretty easily get from sitting to his tummy. We still have a few mishaps, but most of the time its a success. He has been pushing himself up on his tummy and just a few days ago started planking and working on pushing himself to his knees. He is working on crawling already and I am just not ready! I have a feeling that he could be crawling by Christmas. I hope not, but it is looking like possibility.  Jace is trying to scoot forward. He can sometimes, but he is much much better at scooting backwards. That usually upsets him though, because he gets further and further away from his toys. Jace love his binkey. Sometimes he even has two or three in his mouth. He also loves to play with his toys on the floor. He likes to eat squash, sometimes, and carrots, sometimes, and banana sometimes. He is so silly. Off and on he likes his foods but other times the same food he gobbles up, he acts like he is choking on it and gags it down. Silly kid. We are starting to try baby lead weaning because Jace really wants to eat like a big kid. We will see how that goes over the course of the next month.
      For the past few months Paul has been helping our landlord, (his aunt), build a patio. We decided the easy pavers were just not challenging enough. Instead we have taken upon ourselves to lay a flagstone patio. It has been a rough few months with lot of manual labor, but I am excited to say that we are almost done! I am sad that we didn't take a good before and after picture. We had already started clearing the grass and such out of the way before we thought about taking pictures. We do have some good progress pictures. I can't wait until it is done because then I will kind of somewhat have a husband again. He still has to study for his last CPA test, so I won't truly have my husband back, but I am pretty sure he won't be as busy when he just has to study.
      Jace and I are just waiting patiently for it to snow a good snow. I am surprised we haven't had more because we live right at the foot of big cottonwood canyon. But we really have only had a few sprinkles. I really want to see how Jace responds to the snow, and I really want to have a lazy stay at home because its snowing and cuddle day. Now that I am home with Jace instead of working I can actually do that.
Jace loves to do the whole big boy thing. Dad decided it was time he learned how to drive. Start 'em young I suppose!

Aint nothin' better than lounging around in a diaper and no shirt!

And again, the big boy thing. He loves to attempt to drink out of our cups. He does great at getting the water in his mouth, but he is still figuring out the whole swallowing thing. 

I got to babysit for my friend Meagan the other day. Jace had a blast playing with Lyla. He only tried to eat her headband a few times. But after that they played pretty nicely together. 

I can't get enough of those cute cheesy grins. He makes my heart melt every time he smiles. 

Sunday naps are the best! I think its so cute when those two snuggle. I am slightly jealous. But I get twice as many snuggles with Jace as Paul does, so I really shouldn't complain. 

I love how they play together. It is so much fun to see how Jace learns to interact with the world around him. 

The only way to play with your toys, is to get down and dirty and in the toy box itself! Jace likes it best when I let him pick his toys out of the box. 

He was having a bit of an emotional day today. I tried to get some smiles, but it took quite a while. The little mummy that he is eating is one of his favorite toys. He got it while we were trick or treating with Paul's parents, and he has been attached to it almost ever since. 

After some snuggles, and help from Paul, we actually got some smiles out of this guy for his 6 month pictures. 

It is so so fun to watch him figure out how to play with his toys, and see what he does with them.

He is starting to plank and pull himself up onto his knees. While he is on his knees, Jace is also trying to rock back and forth. I am excited for him to crawl, but gosh, I am not looking forward to having a mobile baby! We will just have to see how long it takes. 

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