Saturday, September 20, 2014

4 Months and Counting

     Once again I am slacking at the blogging part of my life, but in my defense keeping up with everything is crazy once you have a baby. I don't know how people handle more than one. Jace sure is a handful!
    We have been busy for the past month doing all sorts of fun things. At the end of August we celebrated my little sister's birthday. It was a peculiar family gathering because it was just Paul, me, and Jace, my parents, Kess, and Tallus. All my other sibs were either away at university or not in town. It was kind of nice though to have my parents almost to myself for a night. :)
     We went out to lunch with Matt and Amber Hobbs, two of our good friends from Cedar City. And since we drove down to American Fork to meet them, we decided to swing by The Martel's, another set of Cedar friends. There we caught up with them, Paul watched the BYU game, and Shay, Ray and I went out to their orchard and picked ripe peaches and nectarines right off the tree. They were about as good as they come!!
Paul and Jace enjoying the BYU game the best they know how ;)

     We have some pretty great neighbors up here in Cottonwood Heights. They had us over for dinner, which was great. Meagan has a little girl that is about 6 or so weeks older than Jace. We always joke that Jace and Lyla are boyfriend and girlfriend. After we had dinner, both of our families took a stroll through the neighborhood. Lainey, (Meagan's oldest) didn't want to be in the double stroller with Lyla, so Jace and Lyla shared the double stroller. It was so cute! 
Don't mind Jace's crazy red/glowy eyes. No matter how many pictures we took, they always turned out like that. 

     Next biggest event happened Sept 12-13. Paul has a coworker from Taiwan. Wei and his wife Jessica have never been camping before. I guess the Chinese just don't go camping much. Anyway, we told them we would take them camping. We took a short trip to "ease" them into the idea of spending the night in the woods. We left Friday after work and drove to Payson Lakes. We got there after dark so we ended up putting up our tent in the dark. It was oh so much fun. We talked around the camp fire, checked out the stars, cooked our smores, and went to bed. In the morning we had breakfast, packed everything up, drove down to the lake, walked around the lake, then headed home. All in all it was a fun trip. I wish we could have stayed longer, but its hard to coordinate time off of work last minute. 

Jace all bundled up for the cold night outdoors.

Jace snuggling up in our sleeping bag.

Little baby trying to decide if he wants to wake up or keep sleeping.

Jessica and Wei snacking on breakfast.

Wei chillin with Jace by the camp fire while I eat and take pictures. 

Paul, our master chef manning the camp chef. He did such a great job. We had a better breakfast than we usually do at home. ;)

     Jace is now 4 months old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It is crazy. He weighs a lot. Maybe 16 or 17 lbs? He is cooing and babbling a lot more this month. He loves to play with his toys. He recognizes that they are objects and loves to pick them up himself off of the floor. He can roll from his back to his side and from his side to his tummy so I think that if he really wanted to, he could roll from his back to his tummy in one smooth motion, but he has yet to do that. He is a pretty good sleeper. Not all through the night every night. But every few weeks we get a 7-8 hour stretch. He is ticklish under his chin, below his ears, on his tummy, under his arms, and on his thighs. But he isn't always ticklish in those spots all the time. It just depends on his mood and the time of day. But with out fail, at least one of those spots will get him giggling. Jace loves to drop his paci on the floor, and have me bend him over, and let him pick it up. He loves to sit in his bumbo and watch me do things in the kitchen. We finally have a pretty good nap schedule too. It varies depending on when he wakes up, but its pretty darn consistent most days. He loves to take baths in both the big tub and his little baby tub, (which he is almost too big for now). He still loves to snuggle with me. I am grateful because I love having a snuggly baby. 

4 months old! So big! And those thighs, oh gosh, I just love them to death!

Jace got sick of the sticker on his shirt so he decided to eat it, (like he does with anything that he puts in his mouth).

I can't get over how cute his little nose is! Such a natural at getting his picture taken

Smiley boy just getting too big for his little tub

     One of my best friends from 3rd grade moved from Orem up to Sandy. She seriously lives 5 minutes away from me! Anyhow, Shanda invited me to go to the zoo with her. Jace actually enjoyed it this time, I think. We rode the train around the zoo. We also rode on the carousel. He was unsure at first, then decided it was fun, then decided he was tired of going around and around all the time. We also played in the splash pad. I didn't think Jace would like it because the water is cold and he prefers warm water. But I put his little feet in a small little pond and he was totally chill with it. It gives me hight hopes that he will like the water. 

Selfie on the carousel

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