Sunday, November 3, 2013

Trimester #2

     I have been really bad about writing down my thoughts lately. I am nearly 14 weeks and only have three posts about the pregnancy. I thought that since I have a little bit of time, I might write a post about what has been running through my mind, and how I have been feeling.
     From week 7, I pretty much got morning sickness. Thankfully it wasn't bad, but it was definitely irritable. If I got too hot, or too hungry, or smelled anything that I didn't like, it would trigger the nausea. Thankfully being at school helped keep my mind off things, but at the same time, being at school the heater in my classroom is unpredictable, and you know how stinky kids fresh from P.E. smell. I tried to be positive and optimistic always, but feeling sick all the time certainly did not put me in the greatest of moods.
     I do feel that things have started to calm down a little. I do get nauseated if I stay up too late, or don't get enough sleep, and sometimes when I am hungry, but it is not as strong as it was before. I have also started to think that maybe I might feel skittles moving around. I can't tell for sure, but it sure makes me excited to think about.
     Paul and I were talking the other day about everything, and he asked me what I was constantly thinking about and feeling, being pregnant. Maybe I am not putting enough into it, because my response was, "nothing." Not really. I still feel like the whole thing is surreal. Hearing the heartbeat was amazing, but I still don't feel like being a mom has set in. And maybe it won't until I actually give birth. I want to be thoughtful and contemplative, but I guess it needs to sink in first.
      All I know, is that I am exceedingly grateful to my Heavenly Parents for the opportunity they have given me to be a mother, and Paul a father. And while I don't fully understand right now, I know that in time, I will understand.


  1. Kylee!! I had no idea you were expecting! :D You two are going to make the cutest parents. :) I'm so super excited for you!! When's your due date?

  2. We have been really lazy about getting an announcement figured out, so not a whole lot of people have heard yet. But we are due May 13th. :)

  3. Congratulations! Very exciting! Don't worry Kylee. I remember after having Landon that life felt pretty surreal. It was weird to think we now had two children. Over time reality sets in. Maybe after you start buying/collecting baby stuff it will become more real.
