Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Little Bit of Summer

Getting married in the spring was a brilliant idea. It was very nice to have just a little bit of calm before the storm of real life hit us in the fall. Paul still has a few years of school left, and since I graduated in May it would be my turn to be the bread-winner of the family for the next little bit. In school I studied elementary and special education, and trying to find a full time teaching job in Cedar City is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The odds weren't in my favor. Especially as a recently graduated, inexperience, non local, young-looking girl. 

Paul received an internship on campus at SUU auditing the purchasing cards. In the summer he was able to work full time, and during the school year he would work part time hours. So he is set for the next little while. It is me that needs to find something to keep me busy. 

From January through May, I spent as much of my time substitute teaching as possible. I was hoping that this would give me some experience and a foot in the door. During the months of May, I applied for multiple full-time regular education teaching positions. I didn't receive any of them though. This was a trying time for me because I had worked so hard, I had done everything I felt I could to put myself out there, and yet I was not being recognized for my efforts. I kept my fears of not finding a good job to myself, however, and put my faith in the Lord. 

A few weeks after the job interviews that I had, several postings for special education teachers appeared within the district. I applied for both, and went out to Three Peaks Elementary to meet with the principal. As soon as I walked through the doors, I just felt like that school was a good place to be. It felt good, and normal, and right. I had strong feelings that this place would be where I would be teaching for the next several years. I went to the job interview, and within 3 hours of my interview, I had been extended the opportunity to be the 3rd-5th grade resource teacher at Three Peaks Elementary. Of course, I said yes. My search was over. Now I just had to survive the summer until I could start teaching. 

Paul and I had several small vacations over the summer. During the 4th of July week, we went with Paul's cousin Summer and her husband Tyler Izatt to their beach house in Newport California. We got to go surfing, kayaking, boogie boarding, and just relax and play games. 

At the end of July we went on an overnight backpacking trip with my parents. We went up into the Uintas, and camped at a lake. Through the whole hike there was snow on the ground, and when we got  to the upper lake of our hike my dad told us we had to jump off the cliff into the water. It looked like a lot of fun until we saw the ice chunks floating on most of the lake. If any of you know my dad, you probably guessed that yes, we did jump off the cliff into the ice berg infested waters. Paul was smart about it and stayed on the rocks. My dad, little brother, Tallus, little sister Kalena, and I all jumped in to the ice cold water. It was so cold I had to remind myself to breathe, But it is a memory I won't forget. 

Also that weekend, Paul's little brother Peter got home from his mission. We went to greet him at the airport and it was just a little awkward meeting him for the first time as his brother's wife. But it was good to meet him all the same. 

The beginning of August, we were privileged to travel to Montana to go to the Blatter family reunion. We traveled with my cousin Carsey and her husband Levi. It was quite a road trip. We stayed in an old baptist summer camp on twin sized beds. It was so "fun" to share a teeny summer camp bed with Paul, but we survived. We visited some hot springs, went on several hikes, and of course, talked and swapped stories. 

This summer has been pretty busy. It has been fun, intense and full of blessings. We just love our life! :)

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