Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Challenge

Last post I forgot to mention that while I was meeting Paul's crazily intimidating family, his wonderful grandpa gave each of us $20 dollars to plan a date for each other. We were told that it had to be as creative as we could come up with, and the winner was.. well.. the winner. Now if you don't know. both Paul and I are extremely competitive so, naturally, we both really really REALLY wanted to beat the other person out. Thus the challenge had begun.
I don't know how much thinking and preparation went into Paul's creative date, but I know that I sure spent a lot of time trying to plan the best date that I could. I wrote a huge list of all the possible date ideas that I though would be fun to do, then slowly compiled a few of them into a, (what I thought to be), AMAZING date! You don't get to hear about my date yet though. It was paul that went first.
Now, I do have to say that Paul's date was quite creative, but as to who one, you will have to be the judge because we still fight over it. :) Paul told me that I was not allowed to eat anything for dinner. Well 7:30, 8:00 rolls around and I am starting to get hungry. Finally he comes over and picks me up. We drive (in the dark) to the 4 story parking garage at the Heritage Center in Cedar.
You can imagine my confusion, right? 8:00, no food, and we are at a parking garage. Yeah, that is definitely a good place to find food. So, we drove to the very top of this parking garage. Upon arrival you could see two little candles faintly glowing. These two little candles also gave light to show that a table had been set for two, along with a beautiful harp just waiting to be played.
As Paul took me to my seat our waitress (Heather Richardson) came out and welcomed us to our roof top restaurant and introduced our Harpist (Jordana Galvez) to us. Jordana began to play beautiful music on the harp while Paul and I talked and waited for our food to be brought out to us. I will insert here that I was shocked and astounded that a boy could plan a date like this. I couldn't help smiling pretty much the whole time because it was cute on top cute on top of more cute.
The waitress brought out our dinner and guess what it was? My favorite meal ever! Paul had planned for us to eat lasagna that night. Yeah, Paul had just earned about 100 brownie points. After dinner we had desert. It was to my liking as well because it included fruit! When our meal was over Paul, being the gentleman that he is, asked me to dance. Our harp music was still playing in the background. Together we danced under the stars, over looking most of Cedar City, to incredibly amazing harp music. We waltzed and slow danced and I think we attempted several other dances, but we might have failed at them.
At the end of our dance I was escorted back to the car and Paul drove us home. He didn't end the date there though. When we got back to his house, I was informed that he broke into my room and stole my scrapbooking supplies! We sat on the floor of his room and did 2 or so pages in our venture book before we called it a night.
Well, that is the end of Paul's date. It was great, but you haven't heard my story yet, so don't make up your mind just yet.
Now my date was pretty intricate. It took a lot of planning, and thank goodness for Grandpa, but the $20 dollars was very useful. I was student teaching at the time and did not have school on the day of our date. While Paul was at his last few classes for the week I did all my shopping. I ran to Home Depot and got some PVC pipe, connectors, and glue. I went to Wal-mart and got marshmellows. Then I went to Joanns and got 2 white tee-shirts. I laid everything out so it would be in an easy to get, but not so visible place for when Paul got home from school.
Sure enough Paul came home from school and I was ready to get started. First things first I told him the low down of what we were doing so he would have some time to plan. Then we got started. First, we had to build our weapons of destruction. Yes, we were making marshmallow guns! Now you are probably wondering how in the heck we cut the PVC pipe, being poor college kids with out any tools eh? Well, I had thought of that too. I asked my neighbor Carling Barlow if he had any I could borrow (because he works construction).
Slowly but surly we designed our guns, and maybe, possibly tested them on each other in the house (I won the test runs). After our guns were built they needed to dry, and we needed to make our war get up. I gave Paul the small tee-shirt and I took the large tee-shirt and we designed a shirt for each other to wear during our fight. During most wars you want to blend in, well this one, I wanted us both to stick out! Whit shirts with neon paint was the best way to stick out, I thought. Our shirts were painted and now we just had to let them dry for a bit before we could go to war.
An hour later we decided they were as dry as we could stand it, so we put them on, split up the mallows, and headed to our doom. 2 minutes up Cedar Canyon is a little alcove type place that lots of people go paintballing. I though this would be the perfect place for our little marshmallow war. We gave each other about a minute to hide and get all settled in. Then, the war began. Marshmallows were flying everywhere! I thought I had found a good spot to hide, but sure enough Paul was spying on me from above and I was on the verge of being mallowed to death! I took off running to find a different spot, all the while Paul is hitting me with mallows. I finally find a spot and start to fire back. Now its his turn to run. He goes behind some bushes and I actually tried to shoot him through the trees! I get smart and decide to fire 2 and 3 mallows at a time and I actually get him a few times. Eventually I ran out of marshmallows!! Paul still had quite a few, so I knew I had to find cover quick! I bolted for the unlocked car! I got there before Paul and locked myself in! I was safe... until Paul pulled out his keys! Oh no! he would get me while i had no shot of defense!
Luckily I am a girl and have a few useful means of persuasion on boys like Paul. After he shot me several times while I was stuck in the car, I was able to woo him into submission to call it a game. We both decided that I won by a long shot! Okay, maybe thats a lie. We argued about who won and decided it was a tie (mostly because neither of us wanted to admit that we had lost).
After we had arrived at home we saw lots and lots of deep puddles in the parking lot, (it had been raining the whole time of our war). Being the kind of wreckless children Paul and I are, we decided to jump in the puddles and try to splash each other to death. I got Paul pretty good. But I will admit that he certainly beat me out. I was completely soaked! But it was well worth it.
That was the end of my planned date but we did a few more things that day. After soaking the kitchen floor trying to cook dinner in our wet clothes, we decided it would be best if we changed out of them. Paul ran home and I changed as well and we cooked some dinner. After eating, decided it would be insanely fun to carve a pumpkin, (it was around Halloween). So we trekked off to Smiths to get our pumpkin.
Home, with the pumpkin, we put on a movie to carve as we went. Three hours later we finished our pumpkin, and the movie. We took it outside and put a candle in it so that we could show all the world our beautiful art. When the candle was aglow you could see Mario's face in our pumpkin! We were both so proud!
Paul told me that we needed to go somewhere. I was getting kind of nervous because I didn't know what was going on. We started driving somewhere. Paul parked by a random apartment complex and drug me half way across campus to a bunch of statues. He sat me on his lap and started to tell me how much he loved me (at this part I was secretly freaking out because I thought he was going to propose and we hadn't talked about it much), and how much fun he had had with me today, when out of the blue Lisa Walters (my bestest she-friend) jumps out of the bushes!!
You can imagine my surprise I bet. I was thinking I was getting a proposal and instead I got a best friend! I was really quite excited. Paul and Lisa had been texting and planned the whole thing out as a surprise for me. I thought I was doing most of the surprising today, but Paula beat me out again!
Now, lets jump back to the beginning of my story and recall the two creative dates that occurred. On the one hand, we have Paul's roof top dinner and dance. Both creative and romantic. On the other hand we have my gun making, war inducing, date. Which was VERY creative. It was never completely certain who one. Paul's father said that Paul won the romance and I won the creativity, but only one person can win! Who do you think should win?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with Rex, but I think that you should win 'cause creativity is the spice of life and over the years I think that's what's going to stand out. :)
